Corrosion protection
What is It?
The effects of any form of corrosion can be dangerous and in many circumstances costly to rectify if left unchecked.
Our aim is to provide a series of carefully selected products with track record to obviate corrosion and be installable as a retrofit option for the client and help maintain the productive life of the asset.
The rigours of the offshore environment can disband and undermine pre-applied coatings on risers, conductors, caissons and in general any part of the structure subjected to the corrosive effect, which can in turn lead to premature weakening and possible in-service failure.
Our specialty area is the “Splash zone” or “Airgap” as some operators and contractors refer to it.
This is the most difficult section of any offshore structure to maintain as the corrosion activity in the region is 25 times greater than anywhere else on the asset!

Our products are designed to be effective and easy to install and are headed up by the Retrowrap brand which has been used on many installations worldwide with great effect!

What do we offer?
Our ability to help clients in the product selection stages, to advising and organizing training to suit, is backed up by the quality and responsiveness of our manufacturing partners.
The Retrowrap product is key to providing “active” corrosion protection on new and ageing structures and can be installed by maintenance crews including rope access and diving technicians.
Installation is a simple operation and normally carried out with the minimum of surface preparation i.e. surface scrape or water jet and the Retrowraps are placed around the pile, pipe or tubular and mechanically stretched to release the surface protection products from a thixotropic gel which is factory pre coated to the felt lined inner surface.
Ecosse Global Energy are well placed to provide “specials” as well as the more standard style wrap models for such applications as flange, conductor and riser connection protection as well as pipeline field joints.
We constantly review the industry and its needs regarding corrosion issues and provide solutions based on effectiveness and suitability for the clients applications with project cost very much in our minds!